User Management


User management is a critical aspect of any software platform, and Talmundo is no exception. 

Talmundo is an innovative HR software designed to streamline onboarding, offboarding, and employee engagement processes.  This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to user management for Talmundo Software.


In on- and offboarding, we define three kinds of users:


They have access to the front-end, and have a start or end date. 


They have access to the front-end and back-end*, they do not have a start date.
 *access to back-end can be limited with roles

Key contacts

They do not have access to Talmundo, unless ‘task manager’ is used. Then, they receive a specific link to view their tasks.


Users are managed via ‘User settings’

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Onboardees are managed via the ‘onboardees’ dashboard.

Adjust the overview

You can find an overview of all onboardees in the app. You can:

  • Search for an onboardee (by first name, last name, or email address)
  • Show only onboardees from a specific start date range and/or their status
  • Show onboardees based on their filters
  • Sort the overview (by clicking in the header of each column)
  • Filter the overview (by selecting predefined filters in the app, adding a date range, status or roles)
  • Choose the amount of entries

Actions on a single onboardee

For each onboardee, we can view and adjust some setting via the quick view, or go to the onboardee’s full profile. You can also directly reset the password, or close the onboarding period of the onboardee (when this is done, the onboardee will disappear from the onboarding list, but will still be visible as a user. The onboardee can still access the front-end, but will see a banner notifying him the onboarding’s done. His personal information will not yet have been deleted.)

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Quick view

Pressing the eye next to the onboardee’s name, will open the quick view. In this view, you can see and edit the basic information of the onboardee such as first name, last name, email address, start date, key contacts or filters. Resetting the password of the onboardee can also easily be done this way. 

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Full profile

You can perform different actions on an onboardee:

  • View & download: view some standard data like start date and assigned filters, info on activation, also the onboardee’s introduction, his responses to pulse checks, quizzes and forms.
  • Edit: edit the onboardee’s data. 
  • Close onboarding period via actions (right upper corner)

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General actions

In the right top corner, you can perform several general actions on onboardees.

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Add a new onboardee

When creating a new onboardee, the following fields are obligatory:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Start date
  • Filters

If the key contacts are known, make sure to add them as well – as this might affect the onboardee’s view or some tasks. 

The other options are not mandatory, and are only seen/reflected in the back-end. 



Import using Excel

In case you need to upload multiple onboardees, we recommend doing this via an Excel import. 

If you click on this action, you’ll be able to download an Excel template. Make sure this is filled out with all mandatory fields (first name, last name, email address, start date and filters). In case you’d like to add key contacts, fill in their email address. 

Save the Excel on your computer. When you are ready to upload the batch of users, you can choose the file and upload it. 


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In case there are issues when uploading the onboardees, you’ll be notified. 


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If you know what the issue is, you could adjust it with a bulk operation. 

If you do not know why the onboardee cannot be uploaded, click ‘export’. You’ll receive the Excel with comments on why the onboardee could not be uploaded. E.g. the filter had a typo, or there was a space behind an email address. Adjust the Excel, and you can upload it again.



Bulk operations

Bulk operations allow you to perform an action on several onboardees at once.

When you click on this, you’ll be able to select multiple onboardees. When pressing ‘next’, you’ll see the different bulk operations.

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  • Send email: you’ll be able to resend an invitation, or send the onboardees a link to reset their password.
  • Edit selected: you’ll be able to add some personal information like job title, location, gender or start date*
  • Delete selected
  • Update filters*
  • Close onboarding period
  • Assign key contacts*
  • Assign roles*

*The entered value must be applicable to all onboardees. E.g. if you select 5 onboardees and select ‘assign key contacts’. You’ll be able to assign them all the same buddy. If the buddy is different for each of them, you’ll have to update the onboardees one by one. 

Export using Excel

You can export the list of onboardees to an Excel. In this Excel, you’ll find their personal data. In case you would like to have more info on the onboardees, check whether ‘report using Excel’ answers your request.





This gives you an overview of all users known in the system. This includes onboardees, admin users and key contacts.

Users are managed via the ‘users’ dashboard.

Adjust the overview

You can find an overview of all users in the app. You can:

  • Search for a user (by first name, last name, or email address)
  • Sort the overview (by clicking in the header of each column)
  • Filter the overview (by selecting predefined filters in the app, filtering on key contacts and status)
  • Choose the amount of entries

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Actions on a single user

Once again, we have the quick view allowing you to perform some quick actions. Or you can enter the user’s full profile and manage even more actions.

Deleting the user means the person will be deleted from the full platform, and all personal data will be deleted.

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Quick view

By clicking on the eye icon, you can find view some basic information about the user and quickly adjust the user’s details, roles, filters or reset the password. 

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Full profile

You can perform different actions on a user:

  • View: view user detail
  • Edit: edit the user’s data. 



General actions

In the right top corner, you can perform several general actions on users.

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Add a new user

When creating a user, the following fields are obligatory:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Filters

The other options are not mandatory and are only seen/reflected in the back-end. 

Import using Excel

In case you need to upload multiple users, we recommend doing this via an Excel import. 

If you click on this action, you’ll be able to download an Excel template. Make sure this is filled out with all mandatory fields (first name, last name, email address and filters).

Save the Excel on your computer. When you are ready to upload the batch of users, you can choose the file and upload it.


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In case there are issues when uploading the users, you’ll be notified.


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If you know what the issue is, you could adjust it with a bulk operation. 

If you do not know why the user cannot be uploaded, click ‘export’. You’ll receive the Excel with comments on why the user could not be uploaded. E.g. the filter had a typo, or there was a space behind an email address. Adjust the Excel, and you can upload it again.

! Via this import, you can only upload the users. If you’d like to assign an admin role, you’ll have to do this via the user or via bulk operations. 

Bulk operations

Bulk operations allow you to perform an action on several users at once. 

When you click on this, you’ll be able to select multiple users. When pressing ‘next’, you’ll see the different bulk operations.

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  • Send email: you’ll be able to resend an invitation, or to send the user a link to reset their password.
  • Edit selected: you’ll be able to add some personal information like job title, location, gender or start date*
  • Delete selected
  • Update filters*
  • Close onboarding period
  • Assign key contacts*
  • Assign roles*

*The entered value must be applicable to all users. E.g. if you select 5 users and select ‘update filters’. You’ll be able to assign them all to the same filter category. If the filter is different for each of them, you’ll have to update the users one by one. 


In the application, we can limit the possibilities in the back end for users. This is done via roles. 

Roles can be set as requested and afterward assigned to the desired users. 

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You can find an overview of the already defined roles, and edit them via ‘actions’. 

A new role can be created via the ‘add’ role. However, in case of doubt contact your customer success manager or [email protected]


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Email logs

Email logs give an overview of all emails sent. 

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You can sort or filter the overview. In case an email is not sent, you can see the state ‘failed’ or ‘skipped’. If you want more details, click details. There, you’re also able to resend a certain email.

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For more details or questions do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]

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