Introducing the updated UI of the Tasks module: Library, Assigned Tasks, and My Tasks.
The updated pages follow the Talentech design patterns and feature better user experience and performance.
Below you can find the main changes made on each page.
New Task Library
Key Changes:
More intuitive deadline settings when creating or updating a task. Now, you can easily select “X days before the first workday” or “X days after the first workday”, and explicitly set the deadline “on the first workday”. When selecting the option “on the first workday”, there is no need to enter 0 days anymore.
In the table, the deadlines will be displayed accordingly:
Assigned Tasks page
Key Changes:
1. The new quick panel to access all task details. Click on the “Eye” icon to see all the details:
2. The tabs in the quick panel to move between task details, comments, and attachments:
All the tabs can be opened by clicking on the corresponding icons in the table:
3. The dropdown in front of the search field to switch between active, completed, and canceled tasks:
4. Feedback messages for every action performed by a user to inform them if their actions were successful or that they need to take further steps.
My Tasks Page:
The functionality and the changes on the My Tasks page are the same as for the Assigned Tasks page.