Release 104

Happy New Year from the Talmundo Team. We are pleased to announce the new release 104 is live in production. 


Learning pages

  • The “Save” button has been removed from the learning page actions. The “Publish” button will save and publish a page in one go. Now, when publishing a learning page, users will no longer see the “When editing content that already exists, hitting “save” will publish it directly…” message. 

  • “Undo” and “Redo” buttons have been removed from the learning page actions.

Bug Fixes 

  • Filtering Learning pages by tags and see the preview 

In the Library, now, you can filter learning pages by tags, see the preview of the selected page, including Page description and Internal description, and scroll down using the scroll bar.  

  • Opening a Learning page by clicking its description in Swipe format

This function was not working correctly before. Now you can click on the description of a learning page to navigate to this page.


  • Image Placeholders for Learning Pages

We fixed the issue when image placeholders for learning pages without images were not displayed properly. Now, a proper placeholder will be displayed.

If you have any doubts or questions do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] 



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